воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

aragorn forced legolas to lie down

I got fan mail from a French girl on youtube

un bonjour dapos;un admirateur francais de vous roxanne et fan de "women mma" mon combat preferer de vous capos;est contre jennifer howe..

Iapos;m guessing that says, "Iapos;m a French fan of yours, Roxanne, and a fan of "Women MMA" (which is a vid I made). I liked your fight against Jennifer Howe."

Okay, so I wrote "Thanks"

And then I got this:
a quand 1 new combat mma ?

Uh, what does that mean? :D "When are your fighting next?"

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Another food story- this one has a happy ending

not only did i have Tacos for brunch

but i also went to a super yummy italian restaurant for dinner

NON SOLO PASTA in Morrisville Pa

Charles had been there in the past and he finally decided to bring
me there.
He is always wary of straying off the well known yummy path-
because i am so picky about food, and he hates it when i have a yucky

but we had enjoyed three of our top 5 restaurants in the past week so he
thought we could take a chance.

it was a totally good plan because i got a gnocchi dish that was really

Gnocchi A La Mamma

with a name like that how could i go wrong?

Charles loved his dish too- Carbonera Penne

we will surely go back

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


Part 2

*in the morning*

ldquo;Onii-chan Byerdquo; I yelled to him as I left for the last day of school. lsquo;I wonder whorsquo;s team Irsquo;ll be on? Will I be on Sasukersquo;s team? Or maybe Hina-chanrsquo;s team?rsquo;

*at the playground*

ldquo;Tenten-nee-chan Konnichiwa Are you waiting for nii-san? If you are, then hersquo;s still at home, training.rdquo; I told her. ldquo;Again? He can train, but hersquo;s letting his training affect his attendance Irsquo;m going to have to talk to him. Hey, do you want to know whose team yoursquo;re on?rdquo; when I nodded, she said, ldquo;Yoursquo;re on team 7 with Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, and Haruno Sakura. But donrsquo;t tell anyone I told you this and just pretend that you donrsquo;t know okay? And donrsquo;t tell your nii-san I told you either okay?rdquo; ldquo;Hai, I promiserdquo; I said. lsquo;Yay Irsquo;m on Sasukersquo;s team Irsquo;m so happy Thank you so much authorrsquo; I ran into class.

*in the academy*

Therersquo;s a seat between Naruto and Sasuke Yay My two teammates I went and sat in that seat while ignoring all the growls. Suddenly, Sakura came in. ldquo;Move aside Naruto Irsquo;m trying to sit on the- uh? YOU WHY ARE YOU SITTING NEXT TO SASUKE-KUN?rdquo; she asked furiously. ldquo;Why canrsquo;t I? I was just going to ask him a questionrdquo; I asked. ldquo;Ne, Sasuke? Can I ask you something?rdquo; I asked. He looked at me. ldquo;What?rdquo; All the Sasuke fan girls were shocked. ldquo;Yo-You Sasuke-kun TALKED to YOU?rdquo; I just ignored them. ldquo;Actually 2 questions. Why are you always so mean? Onii-chan doesnrsquo;t like me or let me even talk to you. Hersquo;s afraid Irsquo;ll become like you. Why canrsquo;t you be nicer? You remind me of when Onii-chan was little, always so mean.rdquo; I think this question surprised him because he just stared at me. ldquo;I think you should just mind your own business.rdquo; This time I leaned close to him and whispered, ldquo;See, thatrsquo;s what I mean, yoursquo;re so unreasonable. You should be nicer especially since wersquo;re going to be on the same team from now on.rdquo; His eyes widened and all the girls were surprised. ldquo;What did she say to Sasuke-kun, dammit?rdquo; Inner Sakura said. ldquo;Donrsquo;t talk as if I would really be on the same team with a weakling like you. Our strengths donrsquo;t even compare.rdquo; He said. ldquo;But itrsquo;s truerdquo; I whined. ldquo;Itrsquo;ll be you, me, Sakura and Naruto. Just listen.rdquo; I whispered. ldquo;Team 7. Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, and since we have an uneven number of graduates, Hyuuga Narika.rdquo; ldquo;See? I told you Sasukerdquo; ldquo;Iruka-sensei Why does a most excellent student like me have to be in a team with that failure?rdquo; Iruka- sensei sighed. ldquo;Out of the 28 of you, Naruto, Sasuke got the second best scores, while you, Naruto, was dead last The idea is to combine each otherrsquo;s strengths and weaknesses to try and help each other.rdquo; ldquo;Second best? Who got the first?rdquo; Sakura asked. Is it me? She thought. ldquo;Well Sakura, the one who got the best scores in every single subject, who I believe is this yearrsquo;s top rookie, is Narika Congratulations Narika You are this yearrsquo;s top rookierdquo; Iruka-sensei said. I was surprised. I mean, I knew that I was smart and strong and all, but Irsquo;ve always thought that Sasuke was stronger. Oh well. Everyone was looking at me. ldquo;What?rdquo; I asked. ldquo;SASUKE-KUN FIGHT HER YAH LETrsquo;S SEE IF SHE REALLY DESERVES TO BE THIS YEARrsquo;S TOP ROOKIErdquo; All the fan girls cheered for Sasuke. I was quite happy. Irsquo;ve always wanted to fight Sasuke. ldquo;Iruka-sensei, is it lunch time?rdquo; I asked. He nodded. ldquo;Okay then Come on Sasuke, letrsquo;s go fightrdquo; I said, smiling. I grabbed his sleeve and tried to pull him away. When he didnrsquo;t move, I used my strength that I learned from Tsunade-sama and dragged him to the training area. He was surprised at my strength. When we got to the area, I let him go and to my position. I could tell he was getting excited. ldquo;If yoursquo;re not going then I will.rdquo; I said. All the girls were cheering for Sasuke but I didnrsquo;t care. I just blocked their noises away. I could see Hina-chan and she mouthed the words ldquo;I know you can beat him.rdquo; I smiled and made my move. ldquo;Suiton: Suirasen no Jutsurdquo; I said and a huge water ball floated in front of me. I put my fingers together to control the ball. There were many explosives and weapons and even some other jutsus inside the ball and they would release at my command. The ball went underground. He took this moment to attack me with Katon: Gokakyuu no Jutsu but I raised the ball and it blocked the fire for me. I then lowered it into the ground again. Suddenly, it shot up and flew down with incredible speed, with me releasing all the attacks as soon as it hit Sasuke. When the smoke disappeared, the ball was gone and Sasuke was lying on the ground, almost dead. Iruka-sensei came running over to Sasuke to take him to the hospital. ldquo;Iruka-sensei donrsquo;t take him to the hospital. That would just be a waste of doctors.rdquo; He looked at me, disgusted. ldquo;What do you mean? Hersquo;s almost deadrdquo; ldquo;So?rdquo; I said. ldquo;Therersquo;s no need for the hospital if he can be healed right here and now.rdquo; I said, walking over to them. I sat next to Sasuke and did a quick medical jutsu. Then, a strong burst of chakra appeared in my palm. I waved it all over Sasuke for about 2 minutes and he was completely healed like we didnrsquo;t even fight. He got up quickly. ldquo;Why am I still alive? I was dead.rdquo; He said. ldquo;Well, you were only dead for about a minute so I didnrsquo;t have to use the special jutsu to bring you back to life.rdquo; I answered. He looked at me, shocked. ldquo;You mean you managed to kill me in our fight and then brought me back to life? How is bringing back a life possible?rdquo; ldquo;Well, I can bring back anybodyrsquo;s life if I wanted...rdquo; I suddenly remembered. Why couldnrsquo;t I just make a more powerful jutsu and bring master back to life? I quickly stood up and threw a kunai. ldquo;Irsquo;ll be back before classrdquo; I told sensei and went home using masterrsquo;s jutsu. As soon as I was home, I went to gather ingredients. The same ingredients except more powerful versions of them. At this rate, master could be back before class Yay I quickly transported to masterrsquo;s grave and pulled him out. I did the jutsu. It was VERY hard. Suddenly, his body cleared and his eyes opened. I concentrated more than ever and suddenly, he got up. I finished the jutsu and jumped onto him. ldquo;MASTERrdquo; I screamed, crying and laughing at the same time. He was very surprised but then noticed who I was. ldquo;Narika Narika you brought me back to life again Wow Yoursquo;ve become such a great kunoichi Irsquo;ve missed you Oh and I see yoursquo;ve graduated Congratulationsrdquo; ldquo;Letrsquo;s go to my house and we can rest there.rdquo; I said. I donrsquo;t think my face was big enough for my smile. We transported to my room quietly. ldquo;Oh Um... I have to get to class now but Irsquo;ll come back as soon as itrsquo;s over. Oh And Irsquo;ll tell everybody that yoursquo;re back okay?rdquo; ldquo;Sure I canrsquo;t wait to see everybodyrdquo; Suddenly Onii-chan came in. ldquo;Nari Donrsquo;t you have to get to school now?rdquo; He asked but stopped when he saw sensei. ldquo;Yoursquo;re Yondaime Hokage-sama How- Who- Narika Did you bring him back to life?rdquo; He asked. ldquo;Hairdquo; I smiled, very proud of myself. ldquo;Say, are you going to be Hokage again?rdquo; he asked. ldquo;Well, I donrsquo;t know. Depends on the villagerdquo; He grinned. ldquo;I have to get to class now you two. Prepare for commotion when I get backrdquo; I said, smiling.

*At the academy*

ldquo;Hina-chan, Hina-chan Guess what?rdquo; ldquo;What is it, Nari-chan?rdquo; she asked eagerly. ldquo;Come to my house after school and yoursquo;ll see And tell Hiashi-sama to come too. You wonrsquo;t be disappointedrdquo; I said. Then Hinata went since her sensei came.

* * * * *

ldquo;Why is our sensei so late? All the other teams are gone with their teachers Even Iruka-senseirsquo;s gonerdquo; I looked up to see Sakura yelling at Naruto. ldquo;Naruto What are you doing?rdquo; Sakura asked. This caught Sasukersquo;s attention and mine too. Naruto was putting a chalk eraser between the doors. ldquo;This is what he gets for being laterdquo; he laughed evilly. ldquo;As if a Jounin would fall for such a simple booby trap.rdquo; Sasuke said, and as usual, Sakura agreed with him. Then, all four of us watched as a silver haired man walked into the room, getting hit on the head with the eraser. I was shocked. This- he- ldquo;Yoursquo;re senseirsquo;s student, Hatake Kakashi Are you our teacher Kakashi-san? ldquo;Well, actually I amrdquo; he smiled. Well, his eyes smiled.

*on the roof*

ldquo;So letrsquo;s do some introductions. But first, Irsquo;d like to ask you a question.rdquo; He said, nodding towards you. ldquo;How do you know my name?rdquo; he asked me. ldquo;Well, master said that he once had a genius student wearing a mask who one of his other students and him taught about teamwork and something else I canrsquo;t remember and his name was Hatake Kakashi so yeahrdquo; He was shocked. (Okay. Why do I keep on shocking people? Me: because I like to. Irsquo;m the author so deal with it. Muahahahaha) ldquo;Your master is the 4th Hokage?rdquo; ldquo;Yeah And yoursquo;re going to meet him tomorrow and so is everybody elserdquo; ldquo;Wait. What do you mean wersquo;re gonna meet the 4th tomorrow? Hersquo;s dead isnrsquo;t he?rdquo; Naruto asked. ldquo;Yeah. But yoursquo;ll see why tomorrow. Now, Kakashi-sensei, can we just start the introductions? I have to get home to see that master isnrsquo;t dead again.rdquo; ldquo;Okay. So introduce yourselves. Things like yoursquo;re name, hobbies, things you like and dislike, dreams, ambitions that sort of stuff. Starting with you on the right.rdquo; ldquo;My name is Uzumaki Naruto My favourite thing is cup ramen. What I like even more is when Iruka-sensei treats me to ramen. What I dislike is the 3 minute wait for the water to boil. My dream is to surpass Hokage, and my hobbies are... Pranks I guess.rdquo; lsquo;Well hasnrsquo;t he turned out to be an interesting one? Ramen to Hokage to pranksrsquo; Kakashi-sensei thought. ldquo;Okay, nextrdquo; ldquo;My name is Hyuuga Narika My hobbies are reading, training, healing Neji-nii, playing with onii-chan, and training with Yondaime-sama I like maste, onii-chan and lots of other people. I also like ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, healing, being happy, and cats I dislike bugs, evil, and lots of others. My dream is to make Sasuke and onii-chan nice and happy ^-^rdquo; *Sasuke growls* *Sakura glares at you* ldquo;My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I dislike lots of things but I donrsquo;t think that it matters since therersquo;s almost nothing that I like. But Irsquo;ll tell you some people that I donrsquo;t like. I donrsquo;t like Sakura and all the other fan girls. I donrsquo;t like Naruto and I hate Itachi Uchiha who is my stupid brother and I ESPECIALLY HATE YOU Kakashi with your weirdo hair style and retarded mask. Why donrsquo;t you ever show your face? What? Your face is too ugly to show because whenever you show your face, nobody wants to talk to you for their life?rdquo; ldquo;WHAT? Show some respect to your sensei, Sasukerdquo; ldquo;Yeah, yeah whatever. And my ambition is to restore my clan and to kill my brother, happy? Itrsquo;s not you Naruto.rdquo; ldquo;*sigh* fine. Yoursquo;re last. The girl with pink hair.rdquo; lsquo;And huge foreheadrsquo; Kakashi-sensei thought. ldquo;My name is Haruno Sakura My favourite thing is... Well, itrsquo;s not a thing, itrsquo;s a boy. That boy is.... Let me move on to my dream.... *BLUSH*rdquo; lsquo;It seems that girls of this age are more interested in love than ninja artsrsquo; Kakashi-sensei thought. ldquo;I hate...... NARUTOrdquo; She said. Narutorsquo;s mouth dropped open in shock. ldquo;Okay, thatrsquo;s enough. Wersquo;ll begin our work tomorrow.rdquo; ldquo;What? What?rdquo; Naruto asked. ldquo;First wersquo;ll be doing something with only the 5 of us. Survival training.rdquo; Sensei said. ldquo;Survival training? But why? We did plenty of that in the academy We donrsquo;t need any more.rdquo; Sakura said. ldquo;Irsquo;ll be your opponent, but this wonrsquo;t be normal trainingrdquo; sensei explained. ldquo;Then what is it?rdquo; *chuckle, chuckle* ldquo;Whatrsquo;s so funny, sensei?rdquo; Sakura asked nervously. ldquo;Nothing. Well, itrsquo;s just that if I told you, yoursquo;d definitely fliprdquo; ldquo;Nope Not me I never flip So what is it?rdquo; Naruto asked. ldquo;Out of the 28 of you, only ten will actually pass. The other 18 will be sent back to the academy for more trainingrdquo; Naruto, Sakura, and Sasukersquo;s eyes all widened but I wasnrsquo;t actually listening. I was thinking about master. But then I remembered masterrsquo;s words. lsquo;Always listen closely to instructions.rsquo; Master would have been angry if he knew that I wasnrsquo;t listening because I was thinking about him so I immediately paid attention. ldquo;What did you say, sensei?rdquo; I asked. ldquo;You werenrsquo;t listening? Well, I just said that only 10 graduates will actually become ninjas. I nodded. ldquo;Okay... So whyrsquo;s everyone panicking? If we have determination, work together, and Irsquo;m sure we also have people that believe in us, then we can make it Even if we donrsquo;t we can always try againrdquo; I said. lsquo;I know that master believes in me so I will do what he wants and try my best. I know that he just wants me to try my best and not only focus on the target so thatrsquo;s what Irsquo;ll dorsquo; ldquo;Um... Sensei? Are we done now? I have to get home to check on my master. Irsquo;m afraid that hersquo;ll die again. Then itrsquo;ll be the 4th time that hersquo;s died. I donrsquo;t want to have to heal him over, and over.rdquo; His eyes widened. lsquo;4th time? Does she mean that shersquo;s brought him back to life 3 times? Oh well, therersquo;s no way. Thatrsquo;s just impossible.rsquo; Sensei thought. ldquo;Well, here. Take this sheet and come here tomorrow morning. Oh, and donrsquo;t eat breakfast unless you enjoy throwing up. Thatrsquo;s all, you can go.rdquo; As soon as I got the sheet, I quickly threw the kunai with precise accuracy and it zigzagged through the village and landed right beside master. ldquo;Bye sensei I said and disappeared. lsquo;It canrsquo;t be She can do the Hiraishin no Jutsu? Then is her master the Yondaime Hokage-sama? In other words, sensei? Irsquo;m going to her house to take a look.rsquo; Kakashi-sensei thought.

*at our house*

ldquo;You sure have gotten good with my jutsu, havenrsquo;t you, Nari?rdquo; master asked as I perfectly took care of all his wounds and injuries. ldquo;Hai, senseirdquo; I replied. ldquo;There. All done. Now you wonrsquo;t die because of that ever againrdquo; I said happily and smiling. ldquo;Thanks Nari Now, I should go to the tower. Do you want to come with me?rdquo; He asked. ldquo;Sure Let me just leave onii-chan a noterdquo; I said. Suddenly, we both looked towards the ceiling. ldquo;Come out, Kakashi.rdquo; Sensei said. Kakashi-sensei came down from the ceiling, looking very surprised. ldquo;I- How- You- Sensei Yoursquo;re supposed to be dead Are you her master? Why are you here?rdquo; ldquo;Yo, Kakashi Donrsquo;t look SO surprised Shersquo;s already brought me back to life once before And this time, Irsquo;ll STAY alive.rdquo; ldquo;Crsquo;mon Letrsquo;s go to the tower Tsunade-sama has to see you Kakashi-sensei, come with usrdquo; I said excitedly.

*at the tower*

*knock, knock* ldquo;Come inrdquo; I was surprised. All the ninja in Konoha were in the office. ldquo;Why is everyone here?rdquo; I asked, though nobody answered my question. They were more interested in master. ldquo;Yondaime? Is that you?rdquo; Tsunade-sama said, shocked just like everyone else. ldquo;Why is everyone here?rdquo; I repeated. ldquo;It seems that some enemies are attacking and there are lots of them and they are quite strong. We were gathering ninja to defend the village. And is that Yondaime?rdquo; ldquo;Hai, Tsunade-sama it is.rdquo; ldquo;Okay So everyone Set out to your posts. Neji, you stay here and you too, Narika, Kakashi, and Yondaime. I want to know what happened.rdquo; So we explained everything to her while she listened. ldquo;You brought him back to life?rdquo; ldquo;Hai,rdquo; I said, ldquo;just like how I brought Neji-nii and Sasuke back to life.rdquo; ldquo;You can bring people back to life?rdquo; ldquo;Hai.rdquo; ldquo;Well, now that I know, Narika and Yondaime-sama, go guard the secret entrance Kakashi and Neji Go guard the entrancerdquo; ldquo;HAIrdquo; we replied.

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communication style tests

I can certainly not claim that I have ever walked with God. But sometimes I�am struck by how beautiful the world truly is - those are often times when I feel Him near me. Of course He is with me always, I�know, itapos;s just that I am often too silly to see it. Or feel it. Or know it. Or be open enough to know it? Because I�am human (and a proud, silly one at that) who often has herself clouded with too many things. And this is through no fault of anyone but myself - it is possible to not allow oneself to be clouded and cluttered up with things, even if they are "important" things. Because maybe the most important things of all sometimes include just letting the things of this world go for a bit and appreciating the things that will always be.

I had a really lovely walk home from work today. First I went to Hockmanapos;s and got chocolate; then to Sheetz for a latte that was wondrous. That is one of the lovely in-between things of being a teenager - I have a job, and thus, an income, but no real financial obligations. So if I am slightly irresponsible and spend more than I�ought to on frivolous things like chocolate and coffee, the only consequence is that I myself am inconvenienced by not being able to afford other frivolities. And that itself helps me to remember to keep my funds budgeted because there are obviously things that I want/need more than other things (yes, more than a few of the things I�buy are actual neccessities, or close to neccessities) and I�have to learn to prioritize. I am usually pretty good at that, but sometimes I slip, so itapos;s good that Iapos;m having practice now so that I�can keep myself in check later when I have to budget for rent or a heat bill or laundry, rather than a winter coat or boots.

Anyway. As I�was saying before I interrupted myself. I obtained chocolate and a latte at Sheetz - the latte was nicely flavored and I�got whipped cream on top, and it turned out to just the right temperature. The air was brisk and chilly, but my denim trench coat and striped scarf (that I got at Goodwill as a fluke and turned out to like a lot and wear all the time) kept me warm. The vain part of me was pleased because I knew that I looked rather nice in said coat and scarf, so that the work clothes underneath were made to look not so blah, and my Jack Skellington bag maintained the slight disreputableness that I like to have in my appearance, for fear someone will mistake me for a boring sort of person. So I had my lovely latte to keep my hands warm, the air was pleasantly chilly apos;round my face and my bag was not very heavy, as it often is. I had a bag with yummy chocolate in it, and I ended up swinging said bag in a very chipper sort of way. I was listening to my iPod and Michael Cardapos;s Be Thou My Vision came on. That hymn (that version in particular) always reminds me of how God is in everything in the world because He created it and that Iapos;m never alone - only not in such words, but a feeling. Everything around me was beautiful and fall and it was one of those lovely times where everything around is alive and bustling but there is a sort of peace with you, one of those times where one is more aware than usual of the beauty of the world and of God.

It made me very happy and it made the rest of the day infinitely more pleasant because I�came home in a good mood rather than a dreading-having-to-work sort of mood.

I donapos;t have to get up for work tomorrow :)

I donapos;t think that this post does a very good job of capturing how lovely the walk home from work was. I shall never be a writer of any great worth, alas. But I think itapos;s good to have this sort of then on the record, as it were, because it is one of those Good Things that are so often overlooked, but really they are the most important things and have a far more lasting impact than the Dreadful Things of life.

I love being able to see the beauty of the world, because it is so much more than the ugliness that we seem to notice too often. God is good, or rather, He is Love, and this world is beautiful. Donapos;t let anyone tell you otherwise.

-SXM, Sarah Meholick, Esq.

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I recently brought home an IG and am wondering if anyone had any potty-training tips. For the most part, I am able to intercept her squatting and when Iapos;ve had a run of bad luck with that, I keep her on a leash and with me at all times. She does really well with the puppy pads when I occasionally crate her for a few hours.

Iapos;ve just read that the breed might be more difficult to pt than others. Maybe something works best?

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cyber pcs

Mama, we all go to hell. Mama we all go to hell. Iapos;m writing this letter and wishing you well. Mama we all go to hell.
Oh well now mama, weapos;re all gonna die. Mama weapos;re all gonna die. Stop asking me questions, Iapos;d hate to see you cry. Mama weapos;re all gonna die.

And when we go donapos;t blame us, yeah. Weapos;ll let the fires jus bathe us, yeah, You made us oh so famous. Weapos;ll never let you go. And when you go, donapos;t return to me my love.

Mama, weapos;re all full of lies. Mama, weapos;re meant for the flies. And right now, theyapos;re building a coffin your size. Mama, weapos;re all full of lies. Well mama what the war did to my legs and to my tongue. You should have raised a baby girl. I should have been a better son. If you could coddle the infection, you can amputate at once. You should have been, I could have been a better son.

And when we go donapos;t blame us, yeah. Weapos;ll let the fires just bathe us, yeah. You made us oh so famous. Weapos;ll never let you go. She said you ainapos;t no son of mine. For what youapos;ve done theyapos;re gonna find a place for you. Adjust your mind, your manners when you go. And when you go donapos;t return to me my love. Thatapos;s right.

Mama, we all go to hell. Mama, we all go to hell. Itapos;s really quite pleasant except for the smell. Mama we all go to hell.

Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Ma...

And if you would call me a sweetheart. Iapos;d maybe then sing you a song. But thereapos;s shit that Iapos;ve done with this fuck of a gun. You would cry your eyes out all along.

Weapos;re damned after all. Through fortune and flame we fall. And if you could say that Iapos;ll show you the way, to return from the ashes you call. We all carry on. When our brothers in arms are gone. So raise your glass high for tomorrow we die. And return from the ashes you call.

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feminist theory website

Tod and I have been addicted to Civ Rev lately. The current patch for the Xbox 360 version resolved the frustrating software bugs that led me to recommend people wait before buying it. I havenapos;t tried playing online since the patch came out, so I donapos;t know whether the online/multiplayer bugs have been fixed.

Like the other versions of Civilization, this one has several difficulty levels: Chieftain, Warlord, King, Emperor, and Deity. I won my first Emperor-level game last night, so Iapos;m ready to try Deity next. Iapos;ve enjoyed planning my games to pick off as many Xbox Live "achievements" as possible.

The first downloadable upgrade packs were released last week. We downloaded them and have been trying the new maps. I enjoyed Donut World. Tod is playing Maze World.

Weapos;re even thinking about buying a second Xbox 360 console for the house this Christmas so Tod and I can play each other :-)
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